Frequently Asked Questions
Some Peanut Points to Ponder
How big are the bags?
Each bag is about the same size as a 5 lb. bag of flour and yields (after cooking) 3.5 lbs of delicious boiled peanuts.
What kind of peanuts do you use?
We use raw, dried peanuts. We sell only premium grade, in-shell peanuts, perfect for boiling!
Are these green peanuts?
These are not green peanuts. The term "green" peanut refers to a peanut that is freshly dug from the ground. We do not ship green peanuts because, like any other fresh produce, they must be refrigerated and have a very volatile shelf life. Green peanuts are only available a couple of months out of the year, during peanut harvest. We sell raw, dried peanuts. These are the same peanuts that can be found year round at any roadside stand in the South.
Do the shells get soft/mushy?
The shells will never get as soft as a "green" peanut, however, the peanut kernel will be just as tender. The kernels also will be completely matured and filled out, so you will not see "pops".
Why do you boil the peanuts in the bag?
The bag is actually integral to the proper cooking of the peanuts. As the peanuts on the bottom of the bag start to rehydrate, the weight of the hydrated peanuts actually pulls down the peanuts at the top of the bag. This ensures that all peanuts cook evenly and fully hydrate. The bag also helps to concentrate the brine so that every peanut provides the same great flavor.
Can I add water while the peanuts are cooking?
Yes. During the cooking process, evaporation will occur. Also, as the peanuts rehydrate you will see the available water diminish. It is perfectly fine to add water while the peanuts are cooking to ensure that the bag can completely submerge.
How do I know when they are ready?
We provide detailed instructions for 3 seperate cooking methods. Stock pot, slow cooker (crockpot), and Instant Pot (pressure cooker). The short answer....the peanuts are ready when the bag has fully submerged. The longer you allow the peanuts to soak in the brine, the more flavor they'll soak up. It is very hard to overcook boiled peanuts. When in doubt, give them a little longer.
The stamp on the bag dissolved and turned my water a green tint. Is it safe?
Yes. Each bag is stamped with a food safe dye that is 100% safe for consumption. The stamp will dissolve in water. No need for alarm.
Does your product contain any MSG's?
No. Our product does not use any MSG's.
How many servings does a bag contain?
Now there's an open ended question. We like to say that everyone's mileage may vary. I have 5 kids who all eat boiled peanuts like they're going out of style. One bag is enough to satisfy them. Most folks ask us how to store the peanuts that they cannot finish. That leads to our next question.
How can I store my peanuts once cooked?
You can refrigerate any uneaten peanuts for up to a week or you can freeze them for as long as you're comfortable. They reheat very nicely in the microwave.
How long will a bag last before I need to cook it?
Our peanuts are shipped with a very stable shelf life. That's the beauty of a raw dried peanut. Our peanuts will store for at least 4 months in the pantry or up to 12 months if refrigerated.